8 Ways To Slim Down With Sêx

We have always heard that to sêx can help you slim down but now we have the statistics to prove that it can actually help.Here we look at how many calories you will burn with every sêxual activity when you and your partner turn off the lights.Kissing.Amazingly the simplest form of love burns about 68 calories per. Los Angeles–based sêxologist and the author of Red Hot Touch Jaiya Kinzbach said: Not only is smooching agreat way to show affection and improve your bond as a couple, it can also help you burn fat.“If the kissing is vigorous and involves some petting, it could be even closer to90 calories burned in an ho
ur'' She recommends.Taking Off The Clothes:An Italian researcher has found out thatthe act of taking off one's clothes burnsup too 8 and 10 calories and when trying to remove a bra with your mouth burns about 80 calries.Massaging your partner.Make him lay down and give him the massage of his life and
you will also lose about 80 calories per hour. When you are giving a massage your heart rate goes up and puts your body into calorie-burning mode. But don't speed it up, the slower the massage the more calories you burn.SêxBoys have used this as an excuse to convince girls to have sex with them but it is actually true, having sex can burn 144 calories per hour amazingly.The key to burn enough calories during sex is to make it last, You can also add a little moaning and sighing, which can help you burn an extra 18 to 30 calories, when you are on top move your hips like a belly dancer and try many more positions than usual. “Also try a position where you squat on top ofhim and then bounce up and down. This is a great workout for your thighs and butt, and it can burn up to 207 calories in 30 minutes.”Experts estimate that women who orgasm during sêx burn more calories during lovemaking than those who don’t. Photo by Getty.Giving Oral Sêx.Oral Sêx can help you burn up too 100 calories per hour. Kinzbach said:“Try plank position into downward facing dog, and back into plank where you canlower down and do some oral stimulation.” Tack on 71 extra calories blasted when you do push-ups, and 35 additional calories by mixing in some yoga.Use Your Hands.The more you use your hands effectively, you can lose up too 100 calories per hour.Romantic Dancing.Yes practice more of those dirty dancing you see on tv cause they can help you burn up too 103 calories per hour. New York–based psychiatrist andsex therapist Barbara Bartlik said: Couples who take dance lessons (and practice in the privacy of their homes) can attest to this. Bonus: “It has been shown in scientific studies that right after an aerobic exercise, women become aroused and lubricated more easily. You can also spice it up by adding some sweet kisses.Make Out Sessions.Those make out sessions which leavesyou out of breath is good apparently, Anticipation can get your heart rate going. “It gives way to heavy breathing, which gives way to a great calorie burn.Always try to make the Make out room to be hotter and sweatier and you couldburn about 238 calories in 30 minutes.


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