
Showing posts from November 9, 2014

Ugandan Pop Star To Be Arrested For Naked Photos

The whole of last week, Desire Luzinda’s nude pictures circulated on social media after the singer’s Nigerian boyfriend Franklin Emuobor intentionally leaked them to the Internet. According to local media, Luzinda has made defiant statements about the posts, but is now in hiding. The country’s minister for ethics has called for Luzinda’s arrest and summoned her to appear and prove that she did not sanction the release of the forbidden images. The ‘revenge porn’ images were reportedly released by an ex-boyfriend who said he, “Wanted to teach her a lesson”. However, he can be also charged with trafficking in pornography under the Computer Misuse Act.

Usher Sex Tape With Ex Wife Tameka Being Sold Illegally

A sex tape reportedly featuring Usher and his ex wife Tameka Foster is being illegally sold according to TMZ. The illicit footage featuring the singer and ex-wife Tameka Foster was filmed years ago, and believed to be on a laptop that was among the possessions stolen from Usher’s car in 2009. The tape surfaced in 2011, when whoever obtained it tried selling it to various outlets.  As at that time, Usher’s camp didn’t comment and there were apparently no buyers. But now the hardcore tape is being shopped again,. According to TMZ, the unidentified person isn’t approaching porn companies, which wouldn’t be able to release the video without authorization from Usher and Foster, but is instead tempting blogs and websites that have less scrupulous policies. Usher’s attorney, , is reportedly attempting to track down the seller, who could potentially be prosecuted for possessing stolen property.

Kim Kardashian’s Nude Photos Aren’t Just About Her Butt

The last 24 hours have been rough on everyone. We’ve all been living in constant fear after some lady threatened to destroy the Internet with a picture of her butt. And while the early signs indicate that literally nothing has happened to the Internet since the butt picture came out, we’ve been a little stressed because, as the saying goes, where there’s butt, there’s other stuff. Last night, that other stuff finally came out (link NSFW) and it shows that this “Kim Kardashian” means business when it comes to threatening the web. We’ve covered the most dangerous parts of the photos with black boxes because this is all too horrifying.